Welcome To The Julian Middle School Health Office!
Please review the tabs, on the left side of this page, for details on important health information.
Important Health Reminders
Medication: Before any medication can be administered at school, a Licensed Prescriber Authorization Form must be filled out and signed by a licensed health care provider (who is authorized to prescribe medication, such as, a physician or nurse practitioner). This applies to all prescription and over-the-counter medication (including cough drops). If your child may need to take medication during the school day, please review the Licensed Prescriber Authorization Form, have the physician complete their portion, you sign the parent signature line and return it to the School Nurse, along with the associated medication in its original box or container.
Students with Health Condtions: Students with Asthma, Allergies, Diabetes, or Seizures need to have an annual Emergency Action Plan developed and signed by a physician in addition to the District 97 Licensed Prescriber Authorization Form. Forms can be found on the District Health Service's Page, as well as in the appropriate section of the navigation bar on the left. Please have your physician complete the form(s) and return it to the school your child will attend in the fall.
Licensed Prescriber Authorization Forms, Medical Forms and Emergency Care Plans need to be updated and completed every year by your doctor and require a parent/guardian signature for students needing medication during the school day.
Entering 6th Graders and New Students to Julian Middle School:
8th GRADE VISION SCREENINGS: Vision screening for 8th graders will begin in October
GOOD HAND WASHING with soap and water for at least 20 seconds several times throughout the day. The D97 Handwashing guidelines can be found on: http://www.op97.org/health-services/documents/1HandHygiene.pdf.
COVER cough or sneezes with elbow and wash hands after blowing nose.
CLEAN and disinfect surfaces routinely.
EAT a nutritious breakfast every day.
SLEEP at least 9-10 hours every night.
DO NOT share food, utensils or cups/straws with friends.
HYDRATED: drinking a minimum of 8 glasses of water daily; students should carry a water bottle and refill it as the day goes along.
A fever greater than 100 degrees: until they are fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication such as Tylenol (Acetaminophen) or Motrin (Ibuprofen).
Persistent productive cough, chest congestion or discolored nasal discharge. However, for a mild runny/stuffy nose and mild cough, it is okay to send you child to school
If a severe sore throat and/or symptoms such as a fever, headache and rash develop; seek medical attention to rule out strep throat (Must be on antibiotics for 24 hours before returning for school).
Vomiting or diarrhea: until free of these symptoms for 24 hours .
An unusual rash, a blistery rash, or a rash associated with a fever: a doctor's note stating clearance to return to school is required.
Red, pink, crusty, itchy eyes: a doctor's noted stating clearance to return to school is required (notify the School Nurse if your child has allergies, which may exhibit red, watery eyes).
Thank you for helping to keep Julian Middle School a safe place.